Results – Røros

Here is a short summary of the results of the research projects on economic effects of the world heritage site og Røros in Norway

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Work package 1: The historical baseline

The objective in WP1 is to establish a common understanding of the socio-economic development of Røros in the past 20-30 years, and more spesific to do a historical mapping of how the planning and management regimes have participated in shaping the city.

Andersen, Sidsel og Brænne, Jon 2006: Kulturminneforvaltningens og planarbeidets historie på Røros. “Kulturarv og verdiskaping. Økonomiske virkninger av kulturarven på Røros”. Arbeidspakke 1. – NIKU Rapport nr. 10. 89 s.

Work package 2: The theoretical baseline

The objective in WP2 is to establish a theoretical framework for the project and to elaborate a theoretical model to be used to estimate economic values. The WP consists of two sub tasks, a survey of relevant literature and to develop a theoretical model.

Bowitz, Einar & Ibenholt, Karin 2006: Economic impacts of cultural heritage – research and perspectives. ECON working paper 2006/03.

Work package 3: Value generated in commercial sectors

The objective in WP3 is to identify and quantify direct values generated in the commercial sector based on cultural heritage. The sectors included are tourism, industry, historic building conservation, arts and handicraft.

ECON Arbeidsnotat 2008-002
ECON Arbeidsnotat 2008-003
ECON Arbeidsnotat 2008-005
ECON Arbeidsnotat 2008-009

Work package 4: Value generated for the inhabitants

The objective in WP4 is to estimate how the inhabitants value the identity or the sense of belonging which the cultural heritage gives, by analysing the motives of individuals moving in to and out of the region.

ECON Arbeidsnotat 2008-001

Work package 5: Conflicting interests

The main objective in WP5 is to get a deeper insight into the limitations and possibilities in the often underlying conflicts between value-creation and conservation. We will examine how cultural heritage in Røros is an arena for communication between different interests, social groups or actors.

Guttormsen, Torgrim Sneve og Fageraas, Knut 2007: “Kulturarv som kapital. En analyse av kulturarvskapitalens diversitet på Røros som et grunnlag for tenkning om verdiskaping”. Delprosjekt 5 i forskerprosjektet ”Verdiskaping Røros”. Arbeidspakke 5. – NIKU Rapport nr. 15. 123 s.

Work package 6: Synthesis

The aim in WP6 is partly to empirically test the theoretical model from WP2 with the findings from WP3-5, and to create an applicable model. Another objective is to make a qualitative synthesis of the former WP, and visualise the balances between different value creation aspects, and between economic values and conservation.


Work package 7: Scenarios for Røros

In close cooperation with central actors at local, regional and national level, possible scenarios for the future development at Røros will be developed and elaborated in WP7.

