Archaeological excavations in Stavanger Cathedral
In the spring of 2021, NIKU is conducting an archeological excavation in the crawlspace beneath the nave of Stavanger Cathedral. The project is done as a part of the restauration of the cathedral in relation to Stavanger’s 900 year anniversary in 2025. The excavation is a collaboration between NIKU and The Archeological Museum, The University of Stavanger.
In the crawlspace beneath the nave there are medieval graves, including wooden remains and textiles, and medieval building materials. The content can potentially give answers to some of the unanswered questions in Norwegian medieval research, such as the christianization of the country, and the developement of cities in Norway in the early middle ages.
The three chambers that will be excavated are chosen with the intent of gaining the most possible knowledge on the area’s oldest period, and especially on early church buildings on site.
Project manager: Halldis Hobæk
- Status In progress
- Financed by The Directorate for Cultural Heritage
- Time 2021