Careful conservation and the establishment of a good preservation environment are crucial for a painting’s future value.
The owners of valuable works of art will find in NIKU a unique combination of advanced conservation expertise, methods and technology. This applies to both the treatment of general deterioration and more complicated damage.
NIKU satisfies the safety and quality related requirements associated with the treatment of visual works of art with a high cultural historical and/or financial value. Our services include condition assessments, treatment and advanced restoration.
NIKU also assists with the development of optimum storage and exhibition conditions. We can offer treatment assessments and quotes for large projects. Some of the more specific treatment measures NIKU can provide for paintings include reattaching loose paint, cleaning surface dirt/dark varnish, repairing holes and tears in canvas, and retouching and varnishing.
As far as the treatment of sculptures is concerned, NIKU can offer the stabilisation of wood, stone or other materials, securing loose paint, retouching and also surface treatment. NIKU can also carry out dating and analyses of paintings and sculptures to acquire more detailed knowledge about the materials. The institute possesses wide-ranging research expertise in this area and has both a national and international network.
NIKU’s independence ensures our customers an impartial assessment of a work of art’s general condition, the scope of damage and the need for treatment. NIKU’s expertise is utilised in connection with the lending and acquisition of paintings, insurance settlements and also legal disputes. As a professional service provider NIKU has established strict guidelines for the preservation of customer confidentiality.

Rock art
Rock art is assumed to be linked to sacred sites in the landscape where rituals took place. It expresses our forefathers’ beliefs, thoughts and artistic abilities. The protection of rock art is a government task in Norway, and good documentation, protection and conservation methods are being developed.
There is a general wish for rock art to be available to the general public, but it is always important that an expert assessment be made with regard to how much it can withstand in relation to tourism.
NIKU has for years worked on the documentation and conservation of rock art in collaboration with the Directorate for Cultural Heritage and other cultural heritage agencies. The institute also carries out research into the protection of rock art. NIKU has a broad network of experts in the area and participates in international cooperative projects.
The specific measures NIKU can provide assistance with include the documentation of a figure’s form and technique, assessments and documentation of the fields’ and figures’ condition, detecting and documenting harmful environmental factors, and assessing any need for preventive and direct conservation.
We conserve rock art that is at imminent risk of being lost, advise on how to provide information and display it to the general public, advise on its care, and provide environmental monitoring.
NIKU’s conservators are all members of the Nordic Association of Conservators (NKF-N) and comply with the association’s professional code of ethics.