Edverd Undall

Edvard Undall

  • Building Conservator —
  • Bygningsantikvar

Phonenumber: +47 900 18 695

E-mail: edvard.undall@niku.no

  • Built Heritage —
  • Bygning

Edvard Undall is a building conservator at NIKU. He studied history, history of art and building conservation, and has vast experience within cultural heritage administration, as a museum’s craftsman and technical building conservator.

Undall has also participated in the developing and implementation of Akershus bygningsvernsenter, an arena which give courses within traditional building crafts and restoration to craftsmen, cultural heritage management and owners of buildings with historical value.

His subject area is building conservation, and covers the fields of building archeology, condition surveys of buildings and constructions, deterioration of buildings and materials, heritage management.